Davis Welcome Center
Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma
The Davis Welcome Center is located adjacent to the Bedré Fine Chocolate Manufacturing Facility and serves as the gateway along the I-35 corridor for the Chickasaw Nation. This new one-story facility is an information center for visitors to the Chickasaw Nation, as well as a retail establishment. Lounge areas, outdoor seating, playground areas, along with provided bus parking allow visitors including large groups to experience the facility with ease.
Both the Welcome Center and Bedré Chocolate Factory are gateways for the Chickasaw Nation off 35N. The building was designed to be warm and welcoming to draw people in because it was the first impression and touch point to the Chickasaw Nation for visitors.
The building displays much of Native American art and cultural amenities and serves as a resource about the Chickasaw nation history and heritage.
Project Details
5,760 sqft
Davis, Oklahoma
Services Provided
Full Architectural Services - Planning, Programming, Architectural Design, Construction Documents and Construction Administration.